Hidden guides

Measurements: 300 mm. / 350 mm. / 400 mm. / 450 mm. / 500 mm.
The Synkron Guide is certified by SGS for 100,000 opening cycles with a load capacity of 35 kg.
The 3D handle adjustment set is supplied included with the Synkron Guide Set.

Sigma Guide

Measurements: 300 mm. / 350 mm. / 400 mm. / 450 mm. / 500 mm.
The Sigma Guide is certified by SGS for 50,000 opening cycles with a load capacity of 25 kg.
The Sigma Guide features a locking system of the guide itself to the drawer.


Measurements: 300 mm. / 350 mm. / 400 mm. / 450 mm. / 500 mm.
The Sigma Push Guide is certified by SGS for 50,000 opening cycles with a load capacity of 25 Kg.
The Sigma Guide features a locking system of the guide itself to the drawer.